Most frequent questions and answers
Our regulated services are limited to sites located in England or Wales. However, we are able to offer unregulated services anywhere in the UK and are actively looking overseas for innovation, partnership and opportunities.
We are able to review the needs of new developments to confirm how much nutrient credit is required to achieve nutrient neutrality. Schemes to deliver credits need to be secured in perpetuity and be delivered on top of existing regulatory obligations. Various opportunities exist to achieve such requirements but there are geographical limitations – the solutions must provide credits within the catchment of the relevant water body and must contribute to the protected sites Conservation Objectives.
If you believe that you have products or processes that can contribute to the sustainable delivery of water services then please use the Contact Us page outlining your competencies, achievements and ambitions.
Potable water quality data for Albion Eco is freely available on the DWI website by following the link – Annual Report – Drinking Water Inspectorate (
Recycling within a new housing development can reduce potable demand by 30% on average and by up to 80% during peak hour demand in dry summer condition.
Yes, we have experience of managing informal public open space and wildlife habitats, we also manage flood attenuation features with sediment control being a central goal. Wetland and riparian woodland creation and management are growing areas of involvement to deliver water quality, carbon, biodiversity and flood management benefits.